European Initial Vocational Training And Further Training

leonardo2La collaborazione internazionale tra scuole e aziende nel settore aeronautico mira ad attuare la formazione professionale pratica di dipendenti, includendo le fasi della loro formazione nelle regioni partner nel loro curriculum professionale di base.
La produzione aeronautica europea è infatti multinazionale. Oltre a due principali siti di Amburgo e Tolosa, esistono molti segmenti produttivi in altre regioni europee. Standard di produzione unificati garantiscono la qualità del prodotto 'aereo'. Specialisti qualificati con competenze interculturali e volontà di trasferirsi rappresentano un vantaggio competitivo. Al fine di ridurre gli ostacoli alla cooperazione e allo scambio dei dipendenti, causati da sistemi e livelli di formazione diversi, una rete di formazione è stata costruita tra le regioni Midi-Pyrénées/Aquitaine in Francia e l'area metropolitana di Amburgo in Germania. Ciò ha reso più facile il confronto della formazione degli addetti alla costruzione di aeromobili di migliorarla con lo sviluppo della competenza interculturale.
L’obiettivo di questo partenariato è stato quello di estendere ad altri siti europei le esperienze raccolte attraverso la rete della formazione professionale interregionale. Si è proceduto quindi a conoscere la formazione aerospaziale in Andalusia, in Campania e in Vitrolles, attraverso l’acquisizione dei curricula di formazione iniziale del personale tecnico nel settore aereo e lo scambio di esperienze, nonché il confronto degli standard di valutazione per le competenze acquisite.
In questo scambio di rete si è mirato a creare le condizioni per una partecipazione multi-nazionale di altre regioni alla mobilità nell'ambito della formazione professionale iniziale.
Accanto a formatori e insegnanti di scuole e aziende, hanno partecipato ai workshop i responsabili del personale di società fornitrici di componentistica per l'aeronautica.

Soggetto Coordinatore Arbeit und Leben Hamburg e. V. Hamburg Germany
Partner Gerencia Andaluza de Promocion Comunitaria S.L. Sevilla Spain
Partner Lycee Saint Exupery Blagnac Cedex France
Partner Lycée Pierre Mendes Vitrolles France
Partner Associazione Smile Campania Napoli Italia


Attività svolte


Meeting In Seville


19th-20th of February 2009


Leopartnership – European Initial Vocational Training And Further Training In The Aviation Cluster

Leonardo da Vinci Partnership

Host Organization: GAPC, S.L

The final conclusion of our first meeting, from the point of view of the partnership is very positive; we were able to have a very broad vision of
- All the entities of the partnership
- Objectives and aims of the project Leopartnership and EACP
- Existing differences an formation, employment, certification (part 147) between Andalusia and the three other regions represented in the partnership
- Next Meeting in Marseille: 27th, 28th, 29th of Mai 2009 by our Partner Lycee Pierre Mendes-France in Vitrolles
Concerning the presentations in Seville, we consider that the group hat got a very clear impression of the aeronautical sector in Andalusia from three different perspectives:
- Operational: visits to the most important companies in Seville
- Public sector: Initiatives of the Andalusian regional government concerning the sector
- Training: Training in Andalusia in this sector is Vocational for the job training focused on, on the one hand the preparation of unemployed, with the objective of employability in a sector with a strong demand of well trained professionals and on the other hand on quality assurance concerning the different processes of certification.
This workshop for experts is leading to a further cooperation between companies and organisations between each partner. It will intensify the mobility projects in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci programme



28th-29th of May 2009


Leopartnership – European Initial Vocational Training And Further Training In The Aviation Cluster

Leonardo da Vinci Partnership

Host Organization: Lycée Pierre Mendés France Vitrolles France

The final conclusion of our second meeting, from the point of view of the partnership is very positive; we were able to have a very broad vision of

  • All the entities of the partnership
  • The cooperation between schools and firms in France
  • A example of a specific technical modules for the 4-week training phases – (Blagnac-Peyrehorade-Hamburg)
  • Existing differences an formation, employment, certification (part 147) between France and other regions represented in the partnership
  • Existing a Moodle- platform in Spain (GAPC) and Germany (Arbeit und Leben Hamburg) -a course management system for online courses – for the preparation of participants
  • Next Meeting in Napoli: September 30th, to October 3th 2009 by our Partner Campania and Campania Aerospace

Concerning the presentations in Vitrolles, we consider that the group hat got a very clear impression of the aeronautical sector in France
- Operational: visits to the most important companies in Marignane/Vitrolles
This workshop for experts is leading to a further cooperation between companies and organisations between each partner. It will intensify the mobility projects in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci programme


Meeting In Napoli


1st-2nd of October 2009


Leopartnership – European Initial Vocational Training And Further Training In The Aviation Cluster

Leonardo da Vinci Partnership
Host Organization: Associazione Smile Campania
The final conclusion of our third meeting, from the point of view of the partnership is very positive; we were able to have a very broad vision of:
- Important companies operating in the aeronautical sector in Campania;
- The cooperation between schools, vocational training centers and firms in Italy and Campania;
- An example of the stage phase of a vocational training course managed by Smile Campania and hosted by Vulcanair;
- Existing differences in formation, employment, certification (part 147) between Italy and other regions represented in the partnership;
Concerning the activities and presentations in Napoli, we consider that the group hat got a very clear impression of the aeronautical sector in Italy.
This workshop for experts is leading to a further cooperation between companies and organisations between each partner. It will intensify the mobility projects in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci programme.
The next Meeting will take place in Blagnac (FR) the 18th and 19th of January 2010, and will be organized by the Lycée Saint Exupery.


Meeting In Blangnac


18th-19th of January 2010


Leopartnership – European Initial Vocational Training And Further Training In The Aviation Cluster
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership

Host Organization: Lycée Saint Exupéry Blagnac France

The final conclusion of our fourth meeting, from the point of view of the partnership is very positive; we were able to have a very broad vision of

  • All the entities of the partnership
  • The cooperation between schools and firms in France
  • Next Meeting in Hamburg: May 5th, to May 8th 2009

We decided how to present the application form for the the Leonardo da Vinci programme
Each partner had the opportunity to develop its vision of the partnership. We drew up a grid describing each partner’s wishes: type of students, content of the work placement, the period.


Meeting In Hamburg


06th-07th of May 2010


Leopartnership – European Initial Vocational Training And Further Training In The Aviation Cluster

Leonardo da Vinci Partnership
Host Organization: Arbeit und Leben Hamburg
The present partnership project was able to extend the existing network of vocational training and the previous experiences made between the regions of the aviation industry like Midi-Pyrénées, Aquitaine and Hamburg to other places in Europe. Exchanging workshops were carried out in Spain/Andalusia (Seville 19th-20th/02/2009), France/Midi-Pyrénées (Blagnac 18th-19th/01/1010) and in Germany (Hamburg 6th/7th/05/2010) at each partner’s site. The vocational training curricula of the aviation technical personnel were presented, businesses and schools became visited and experiences exchanged. Mobility procedures of the apprentices and qualified employees were discussed and new plans made.
At the end, Arbeit und Leben Hamburg organized an international conference on 7th/05/2010 in Hamburg in order to disseminate and spread the achieved results and perspectives of the project in the mobility networks.
The conference took place in the frame of the European Aerospace Cluster Partnership (EACP). This partnership, by now consisting of 31 European aviation organizations from twelve countries, was initiated by the aviation cluster of the metropolitan region of Hamburg and founded by the Free and Hanseatic city of Hamburg last year. Qualification is seen as one of the major fields of work here.
Arbeit und Leben Hamburg took over the coordinating part and supported the networking of all involved participants through written, phone and personal contact.
For the coordination and matching of the program of each workshop Arbeit und Leben Hamburg communicated with the contact person of each hosting organization.
Il Progetto è stato finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione Europea.
Smile Campania è il solo responsabile di questa pubblicazione (comunicazione).

La Commissione declina ogni responsabilità sull’uso che potrà essere fatto delle informazioni in essa contenute.

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